A medida que vayamos creciendo, nos damos cuenta de quienes son las personas que tenemos en nuestro entorno, de sus intenciones y pensar hac...

A medida que vayamos creciendo, nos damos cuenta de quienes son las personas que tenemos en nuestro entorno, de sus intenciones y pensar hacia nosotros.

Hay personas que por lo general le cae mal ver a otro individuo sobresalir en algo, de ser seguro de sí mismo, de lo que hace y quiere; y al ver esto, hay quienes se encargan de hablar mal del otro, creando falsas historias y limitarlo con oportunidades. Y creo que es por eso que muchas veces hay quienes no hacen bien las cosas o terminan mal.

Nos preocupamos mucho por lo que hacen los demás, quienes son, como son y de dónde vienen, en vez de enfocarnos en nosotros mismo y nuestro crecimiento personal.

Esta mal que te cae mal alguien simplemente porque es bueno en algo, porque siempre está o trata de ser contento, porque tiene una ideología política o preferencias sexuales distintas, e incluso porque es de raza negra, indígena, ateo o de otra religión.

Las personas merecen un trato igual y ser reconocido por sus cualidades y ser. El mundo no está encerrado en una burbuja o no pertenece a nadie, por tal razón hay que tratar a la gente con respeto y dejar de querer atropellar a los demás, porque todos respiramos el mismo aire, comunicamos por los mismos medios y nos estamos quemando bajo el mismo sol.

La próxima vez cuando algo te sale mal o sientes que tu vida está gris, piensa en lo malo que has hecho, deseado o pensado sobre los demás, porque al fin y al cabo todos vamos a pagar por lo que hemos hecho a los demás y llegaremos en algún momento a morir como cualquier otro individuo.

"Amar al prójimo como a ti mismo" es desearle el bien a los demás.

Basta de hipocresía, de falsas amistades, parientes, familiares, compañeros de clase, trabajo e incluso desconocidos. Aprendamos a vivir nuestra vida y ser mejores personas, en vez de vivir por otros. Tenemos que ser mejores con los demás, de ayudar, ser más amable, a construir y no desbaratar. Ese es la clave de convivir en paz y crecer personal y profesionalmente.

"Good things follow those who are good and humble".

Life is a journey, and everything we do, every people we meet, and the place we go to make us grow more, it makes us see the world in a diff...

Life is a journey, and everything we do, every people we meet, and the place we go to make us grow more, it makes us see the world in a different way, all towards our personal growth.

Five months ago, at the end of winter, I started the Erasmus study program, which has become one of the best experiences I have had and will have had in my young life. It has helped me in many ways to see the world differently and to live in unity with people from different cultures and beliefs, but above all things, to discover more of my potential and to grow as a person and future professional.

During this period, I have had the opportunity to learn about the Czech Republic, its people, culture, and the important role it played in European history. I have had also the privilege to meet and have great teachers, who planted the seed of knowledge in every one of my classmates, including myself.

One of the things I'm most grateful for in this experience is the people I have met. Most of them have become like a second family to me, with their support and warm feelings that make one feel at home. I have shared with many people on more than one occasion common ideologies, backgrounds, or aspirations, which has been very interesting for me.

These people whom I can now call friends are like this family that makes you smile a lot and that cheers you on to be a better version of yourself. With them I have enjoyed so many walks, “cook-up” as we say back home; and even shared some travel adventures together.

The wonders and blessings of crossing one border and another, visiting great cities, and small villages, and seeing the marvelous architecture that holds all of Europe's history are simply stunning. It connects me with the past and with the people of the old continent. It also makes me understand some of the customs and history of "the Americas", and appreciate more where I come from and what I have.

Erasmus is that dream that you don't want to wake up from, that dream that makes you smile and nostalgic at the same time. With so many important teachings and experiences that will accompany me for the rest of my life.

I can honestly say that I don't regret a single thing about this experience, and even though the European lifestyle, weather, food, and the way some people interact and see the world are different, I have learned to appreciate that; to love diversity, to appreciate languages, other cultures, music, and way of seeing the world.

So now as I am soon to depart to my homeland, where I will once again be surrounded by a chain of volcanos or the crystal waters of the Caribbean, I can proudly say: I'm not the same person I was 6 months ago, I have grown more, I have learned to appreciate more than ever what I have and who I am.
I'm thankful for this, for the people, the places I have visited and that brought on one or two occasions tears of joy and gratitude from my eyes.

So, I leave the "first world" with high hopes and dreams, and with the security that most of the people who were in this dream are now part of my reality, and that we will all see each other someday, at a specific time, place and enjoy once more again each other’s company.

So long...

“Sometimes you need to go far from home to appreciate more what you have”

I have encountered one of the most important travel experiences of my young life, a trip to the old continent as how some historians will c...

I have encountered one of the most important travel experiences of my young life, a trip to the old continent as how some historians will call it. I intend to write whenever I have time about some of my experiences, life's memorable moments, and lessons. I hope that those who always read me can enjoy this article, so in a way, you can travel along with me throughout this adventure. I will write in English but with the option to translate into Spanish. I hope you enjoy this first text!

Winter is almost over, and the temperature is getting warmer; spring is around the corner, and the sun is shining brighter than on my first day in this country, at some point, I’m happy because there is nothing better than some sunlight.

So far, I’m loving everything about this experience, mostly because I’m really liking my classes, the teachers and of course some subjects. But also, because the people that surrounded me on this journey are so nice.

It has become a custom now to say “Nice to meet you, my name is Shayron and I’m from Nicaragua…” to those new faces that I usually meet every day, and to who sometimes I must explain where my country is located and a little of our colony period history.

One of the first missions here was to participate in an international dinner, which was on the 15th of February. Every student from different countries had a little bit of their local and national food on their table. I like most of them, some were spicy, and some others were very sweet. The Nicaragua delegation shared with everyone our traditional rice and beans with pig meat, also some somotenian rosquillas, and traditional candies from the Purisima.

On the 20th of February, I hop on a train and departed for Vienna, the capital of Austria, a country with a lot of history and beautiful architecture. I left Hradec at 22:15 passing through Pardubice, Bratislava until I arrived at my destination. It was a trip of approximately 9-10 hours; I really don’t remember if we made a night stop because I was sleeping after watching some movies to keep myself entertaining

I arrived at the main train station in Vienna around 7:25 am, it was very crowded, some people were just rushing to not miss their next train while others were walking very fast towards the metro door, I guess this is the daily routine or they were just all late for work or school (I don’t think so tho).

After I arrived at the train station I went directly to the metro subway, I had to go to a specific direction or part of the town first because I had to go to my visa appointment. Apparently, I got on the wrong metro, so I had to grab another one that took me this time in the right direction. Luckily, I had enough time to get lost before my visa appointment. When I arrived at the embassy the process was so fast, I finished everything I had to do there sooner than I expected, so I just made much of my time to go and know some of the sites in Vienna, like the Schönbrunn Palace, the Government square, the City Hall building, Parliament and also the beautiful square of María Theresa, where I just lay down on the green grass of its garden. Later, I started walking until I got to the train station where I departed back to Hradec.

On the 27th of February, I had to make a presentation with Ana and Valeria —my two compatriots- about our country, this was part of a weekly schedule, where every week there are 4 different countries that are doing a presentation concerning their culture, believes, food, sport, history, and patrimony. On this day it was Colombia, Cyprus, Argentina, and Nicaragua.

I can say that it was a very good activity, and all the presentations were very good and had something to impress everyone. The Nicaraguan delegation shared a little bit about our history, colonization, culture, traditions, and patrimony, and of curse some places where one can visit in Nicaragua. We also presented two videos, one of them was promoting the different cities, cultures, and traditions of Nicaragua (a touristic video), and the other one was a music video from one of our national urban music bands.

After the presentation, our friends from Colombia suggested that we all had to go and celebrate, so we went to have some hamburgers and French fries. It was a nice night, with Latinos accompanied by some European friends.

For the following days, I didn't do much, just going to class and then home, or sometimes taking evening walks or drinking hot chocolate with friends.

I was invited on a personal level to visit the “Obchodní Akademie v Hradec Králové” a local high school on the 7th of March to share with the students from the Hispanic language class about Nicaragua's culture, history, and our national poet, Rubén Darío. I really loved this experience because it reminded me of what I’m usually used to doing back home, sharing with students and young people. The students were very excited about my presentation, they ask a lot of questions and even shared with me some local facts about this country (Czech Republic) and their hometown.

On the 8th of March Ana, Valeria, and I decided to visit the city of Prague (the capital). We had a good time, we visited some historic places, like the astronomic clock and the Cathedral of Saint Vito, where we had a beautiful view of the city.

For this adventure, we decided to stay for two days, where we made much of our time to know some of the principal sites of the city, mostly historical ones, and to taste some of the local food and pastry. So far, the capital (Prague) is a very nice place, all tho it’s crowded, mostly by tourists.

On the 10th of March, the girls (Ana and Valeria) made some cheese soup, a typical Lent season dish of the Pacific of Nicaragua. We had a nice evening, drinking soup and talking a bit. By the way, the soup was really good.

For the moment these are the relevant things of these past few days. Let’s see what comes ahead.

See you guys until my other text! 

El pasado cuatro de febrero partí de suelos pinoleros para poder experimentar, aprender y crecer en territorio ajeno a todo de lo que estoy...

El pasado cuatro de febrero partí de suelos pinoleros para poder experimentar, aprender y crecer en territorio ajeno a todo de lo que estoy acostumbrado prácticamente.

Fue un viaje bastante extenso desde la capital de Nicaragua, Managua hasta Panamá, luego tuve que volar por 10 horas sobre el majestuoso mar Caribe y Océano Atlántico hasta la Capital de los Países Bajos; luego de dos horas de vuelo desde Ámsterdam llegué a mi país destino, el antiguo territorio de los Moravias y Bohemios, de castillos y ciudades que parecieran de los cuentos de hadas.

Llegué en una de las épocas más frías del año. Algunos de los lugareños me han manifestado que este es uno de los inviernos más largo que han tenido en los últimos años. En un inicio sentí el frío muy insoportable, pero con el paso de los días he ido acostumbrándome al clima.

Lo bueno de todo es que pude conocer la nieve, y aunque suena tal vez algo infante, siempre quise conocerlo; no pude evitar tirarme en ella y hacer un ángel de nieve como en las películas, e incluso jugar pelea de nieve con mis otras compañeras.

Hasta el momento he conocido personas de más de 10 países, cuyas creencias, costumbres y forma de vivir es muy distinta que la de las Américas o por lo menos de Nicaragua. Aun así, a pesar de ser de distintas naciones todos, hemos aprendido a compartir y a intercambiar experiencias.

Lo bueno es que ya conozco como movilizarme en la ciudad, donde ir a comer o a comprar productos para cocinar, entre otras cosas.

Ya he hecho algunos amigos, personas que a pesar de lo poco de conocerlos me hacen sentir en casa y como uno de los suyos. Hemos intercambiado conocimiento sobre nuestras naciones, nuestra idiosincrasia y raíces.

Esta semana inicié mi primer día de clase con mucha emoción, y la verdad estoy alegre, los maestros son muy cultos, aportan bastante en un solo día y están abiertos para aprender de nosotros también. Ya nos han dado un motón de cosas para estudiar, pero de eso se trata, aprender y abrir la mente a nuevas cosas.

Hasta el momento únicamente he podido conocer esta hermosa ciudad en la que estoy, algunos de sus antiguos edificios, ríos y sitios contemporáneos. Con el paso de las semanas espero conocer más de este territorio y sus aledaños.

Este es mi primer blog de este viaje, estaré escribiendo de vez en cuando; y también haré videos para mi canal de YouTube, para poder archivar toda mi experiencia. Queda abierto para todos ustedes también.

Děkuji za přečtení. Hezký den! :)

No es necesario hablar o textear todos los días con alguien para considerarlos un buen amigo. Una verdadera amistad nace y tendrá vigencia s...

No es necesario hablar o textear todos los días con alguien para considerarlos un buen amigo.

Una verdadera amistad nace y tendrá vigencia siempre mientras haya respeto, aprecio, honestidad, confianza, apoyo mutuo y sobre todo lealtad por las partes.

"La amistad es un don que pocos valoran, algunos lo aprecia y otros buscan aprovechar de ella".

No todos son tus amigos; un rato ameno, conversación y gustos comunes que tengáis con alguien no significa que sean tu amigo, pues es algo que el mismo tiempo se encarga de demostrarte. Por eso hay quienes vienen y van; y otros permanecen, porque cada quien llega para darte una lección.

Valora a quien te muestra aprecio y lealtad, escucha y se respetuoso con aquellos que te acerca, pero piensa y reflexiona bien a quien vas a abrir tu vida, tu pasado, presente y anhelos del futuro.

El don de la amistad nos conduce a la confianza y a crear un ambiente de familia. Aprenda a apreciar, a dar lo que te dan, dar sin recibir cuando es necesario, y sobre todo saber reconocer: quién sí y quién no.

Un pequeño poema para la época. Diciembre Diciembre es mágico, es ilusión, deseos y regalos, unidad, reconciliación y anhelos de paz. Di...

Un pequeño poema para la época.


Diciembre es mágico, es ilusión, deseos y regalos,
unidad, reconciliación y anhelos de paz.

Diciembre es recordar, sonreír y olvidar,
es abrazar, perdonar y felicitar.

Diciembre es melancolía, es llorar en silencio,
extrañar, desear y viajar en el tiempo.

Diciembre es apreciar y agradecer,
es familia, amigos y vecinos.

Diciembre es resumir todo un año en 31 días,
es reflexión, lágrimas y sonrisas.

Diciembre es amor, es estar con los nuestros,
es la alegría de quienes están y de quienes han ido.

Diciembre es tú, nosotros y yo donde quiera que estemos,
es esa magia que entristece y cura.

Diciembre es vivir,
es vida...

Shayron Tower
09 de diciembre, 2018